Sweet Potato Sesame Cranberry Peanut Butter Quesadilla

Fall twist on our PB&J quesadillas we decided to use sweet potato and some fun nut butters! This is great for breakfast, lunch, or even a snack.


Sweet Potato Nut Butter Quesadilla

Makes 1 serving

1 taco size tortilla wrap (used Food For Life Ezekiel Sprouted Taco Size Tortilla)

1/2 sweet potato, peeled and cooked

2TBSP nut butter (used Wild Friends Sesame Cranberry Peanut Butter, also like Peanut Butter and Co Cinnamon Raisin)


Smash sweet potato with a fork or small food processor and spread on one half of the tortilla. Spread your favorite nut butter on the other side, fold, and cut in half. Enjoy!


Sweet Potato Sesame Cranberry Peanut Butter Quesadilla