Apple Breakfast Bowl


ThisĀ Apple Bowl is one of my go to breakfasts in the fall! The best part I can eat it all week and it is never the same! Some days I will enjoy it hot, others cold. One day I may make it with craisins and pecans, the next walnuts and figs, or maybe dates and SaviSeeds. Making it for a family is just as easy to customize it to what everyone likes.


Apple Breakfast Bowl

Makes 1 serving (easy to convert to 4 servings, 1c quinoa is about 4c cooked, all the 1TBSP will be 1/4c)

1c cooked quinoa, cooled or still warm (usually use leftovers from the night before or will make a big batch)

1 small apple, or 1/2 a medium-large apple (used a small Braeburn)

1TBSP ground flax seed

1TBSP hemp seeds

1TBSP walnuts, pecans, or sachi inchi/SaviSeeds, or nuts of choice (used Vega SaviSeeds Karmalized)

1TBSP craisins, raisins, chopped figs, or dates (used dates this time)

dash of cinnamon and nutmeg to taste

splash or more of non dairy milk (used So Delicious Unsweetened Almond Milk Plus)


Place your quinoa in a bowl and mix in flax, hemp seeds, cinnamon, and nutmeg. If you want it warm and you are using cooled quinoa you can heat it up here or after adding in the apples, the choice is yours! Peel and chop your apple and add it and your nuts, and criasins, raisins, figs, or dates to your quinoa. Add a splash or more of non dairy milk. Enjoy!


Apple Breakfast Bowl