Black Forest Protein Shake


Being that it is National Black Forest Day I decided to make a Black Forest Protein Shake after my workout and it hit the spot so now I don’t have the desire to make a cake! I call that a win win!


Black Forest Protein Shake

1 serving

1c coconut milk or vanilla almond milk (used Silk brand)

1 scoop chocolate protein powder (used Vega One Chocolate)

1 c frozen pitted cherries (or 1/2c frozen cherries, 1/2 ice)

1 TBSP dark cocoa powder


Optional Vanilla Cream

1/2c coconut milk or vanilla almond milk (used Silk brand)

1/3 scoop vanilla protein powder (used Vega One French Vanilla)



In a blender combine together Black Forest Protein Shake ingredients and blend, pour into a glass. If making the Vanilla Cream blend ingredients together in a blender with ice until thick and pour on top of Black Forest Protein Shake layer. Top with optional toppings such as a cherry, chocolate shavings, cocoa powder, or Maca Chocolate Bar shavings. Enjoy!


Black Forest Protein Shake