Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Every day weren’t brusselin’ but not for long, haha! We will still be busy but our Brussel Sprout love is tampering off. A couple months ago the girls polished off 4 pounds of roasted Brussels sprouts while I was finishing up dinner because a visitor came and we were interrupted in the middle of making it. While S’s love is still going strong A is getting a little tired of them and the hubby is burnt out on them. I will keep buying them but the need to get them weekly and multiple bags is ending. So my daughter could still get her fix and to make the rest of the family happy I decided to play a little and whipped up some Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos! Even thought they are called breakfast tacos, which I did only because they have eggs, I make them for Brinner because we are big breakfast for dinner fans especially on busy nights when we are running to gymnastics and soccer. Since every night could be Mexican night if I had my way these are a win win for Meatless Monday, Taco Tuesday, or a weekend breakfast!


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos
Makes 4 servings, 2 tacos each
1lb shaved Brussel sprouts (1 1/2lb of brussels pre chop if cutting yourself)
1-2 TBSP coconut oil, or extra virgin olive oil
8 small corn tortillas
8 eggs
2 avocados, sliced
sea salt and pepper
salsa, peppers, tomatoes, or toppings of choice (Used a homemade quick fresh salsa of chopped tomato, onion, and cilantro. As well as chopped mini sweet peppers)
Tacos for breakfast, only if they're Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos! #SweatPink #wholefoods #FitFluential Share on X

These cook up pretty quick, less than 10 minutes, so you will want to have your toppings prepped and ready to go. In a cast iron skillet over medium/high heat add oil enough to coat the pan. If wanting poached eggs (what I did) heat a pot of water with a little vinegar. If wanting to cook them over easy heat a pan. Once oil is hot add in shaved Brussels sprouts and cook until tender, I like mine a little chard. Season with salt and pepper. Warm tortillas and cook eggs. Assemble tacos, I add the Brussels on the bottom, the avocado, peppers, salsa, and top with a poached egg. Enjoy!


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos


Brusselin' Breakfast Tacos
Brusselin’ Breakfast Tacos