A Whisk and Two Wands, Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie
Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie

Turn Up The Turmeric (Smoothie) and get glowing! I’m all about turmeric and all it’s benefits even more so in the last year as I’ve been finding more and more ways to get it in to help with post workout recovery and inflammation in general. Not to mention it’s great for the immune system and helps fight oxidative stress in the body. This has been key in the past weeks being sick and flying to sunny California.

This recipe was suppose to be posted just over a week ago when I flew out to California but since I was sick that week I had a little mishap in scheduling it and didn’t realize until I got back to the hotel after spending a couple hours at Expo, the only hours I got to spend there as I pushed it a little too hard. I’m not going to lie I’m still a little upset things didn’t go as planned and I missed out on a lot I had planned. It was a week ago today that I woke up in Napa just starting to feel better and thinking we would be able to still get in most things we had planned that week. I got a call from my mother to tell me that my grandmother had passed. This came as a shock and crushed me. My grandmother and I were very close, the girls and I visited her weekly, and I’ve mentioned her in many posts as such a big part of my life. She was great the last time we saw here, a coffee date just a week before and we painted her nails the green she had requested for St. Patrick’s Day. We always do a big St. Patrick’s Day dinner with her but were going to miss it again this year and were planning on bringing something special yesterday. She came down with pneumonia the day after I got to California and she couldn’t fight it. I fought the urge to fly back home, my parents and everyone told me to stay. The week wasn’t the same but it really made me enjoy each moment and notice and appreciate things I might not have. We still made the most of our week and my birthday out there. Since flying back late Friday night we’ve been with family and soaking up all the snuggles and hugs of my girls. Yesterday we kept our planned coffee date with my grandmother only it was an empty coffee cup with her name at her visitation. Today we will say our final goodbyes.

My point of sharing is that it is life and it doesn’t always go as planned. Again I’m reminded to cherish every moment to it’s fullest. I was upset I wasn’t going to have time to post the recipe I intended today and was going to apologize and tell you it would come later this week. Just as I haven’t been keeping up with social media, and thank you again to all that have sent thoughtful messages I’m trying to keep up with responses. It’s life and things happen, we do what we can, roll with the flow, and make the best of what we can. Honestly I’m surprised I’m taking the time to update this recipe from the original that was schedule to post and didn’t but I need normalcy as well with everything going on. I just wanted to be open with those who may not have known what happened as I know many still thought I was really sick and tell you I thank you for your patience as I try to keep up with comments, replies, posts, and life. It’s very hard as I’m a happy person and really like to keep things positive and upbeat.


Now back to the post and recipe…. and our weekly Meatless Monday link up. Thank you for joining Deborah and me for another great link-up.

Adding turmeric into my post workout smoothie and smoothie bowls is a regular occurrence (maybe not this week as my body still might not be ready to jump back into things and I’m trying to listen to it) but there are rest days when I don’t have a big post workout smoothie/smoothie bowl. There are also days, like the day I discovered this combo, that I’m more in the mood for a juice or lighter smoothie. More of a thicker juice but smoothies come in so many different forms and there are even juices so thick I would consider more of a smoothie.

Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie


Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie

I’ve made this Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie a couple different ways and I’ll share my 2 favorites! First a simple blend of Golden Turmeric Milk, an orange, a carrot, and a pinch of cinnamon! You can also add in a little extra ginger if you’d like but I tend to add a extra when making my homemade Golden Turmeric Milk. Golden Turmeric Milk is easy to make, only taking minutes and makes a double serving so you can make it and have enough in the refrigerator for 2 days of smoothies or smoothies bowls or even drink a warm cup before bed and save the rest to whip this Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie in the morning. With the orange juice, carrots, and just this combo is great in the morning! You can also buy bottled turmeric milk if you’d like. If you have orange juice on hand or like to juice you can use orange juice and some carrot juice for a lighter juice texture. We don’t usually have orange juice on hand and more often have oranges so I like to use those.

Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie, kombucha option

The second way I like to enjoy this Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie, and this is one I love in the afternoon (not that you need to enjoy these at a certain time of the day) is using half the amount of Golden Turmeric Milk and adding in kombucha! Ginger kombucha is my favorite in this combo and a great way to get in some probiotics! Bonus for more nutrients and good for you and your gut probiotics.

Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie, two ways, yes! Like I said if you make a batch of homemade Golden Turmeric Milk it makes 2 servings which means you can make both versions and enjoy a little warm before bed. If you still haven’t tried Golden Turmeric Milk or are looking to add more turmeric into your diet you are sure to love if not all 3 ways at least 1, today is your lucky day!

A Whisk and Two Wands, Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie
Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie


Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie
Makes 1 serving
1c turmeric milk, easy homemade Golden Turmeric Milk recipe below* or store bought like REBBL Golden Trumeric Milk
1 orange, peeled
1 carrot, top removed and chopped
pinch of cinnamon

*Optional 1/2c turmeric milk 1/2c kombucha (Ginger Kombucha is my favorite in this smoothie).


Start by making the Golden Turmeric Milk below, if making, ahead of time. Cut your peeled orange and half and pull out the large seeds. In a Vitamix, or high-speed blender, blend together turmeric milk, orange, carrot, and a pinch of cinnamon. If making the kombucha version you can blend it in, or I like to pour it over top of the smoothie in a glass and gently just give it a stir. Enjoy!

Golden Turmeric Milk
2c non dairy milk (So Delicious Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk)
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp fresh grated ginger, or more to taste
1/2 tsp cinnamon
pinch of black pepper
optional sweetener of choice, optional (I omit sweetener when adding to smoothies/smoothie bowls until making them as usually it isnโ€™t needed but for milk I like to add 1-2 teaspoons of local honey or pure maple syrup)

You will need to make the Golden Turmeric Milk ahead of time. In a saucepan over medium heat bring milk, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and pepper to a boil whisking occasionally. Reduce to simmer for 5 minutes. Place in a glass jar or bottle the refrigerator to chill. This recipe will make 2 servings so you can enjoy 1 serving warm now or chill all of it to enjoy later cold, blend into smoothie bowls, or make 2 Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothies. I don’t keep Golden Turmeric Milk for more than 2-3 days in the refrigerator.


Turn Up The Turmeric (Smoothie) and get glowing! A #superfood smoothie to start your day! #wholefoods #fitfam Share on X

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A Whisk and Two Wands, Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie
Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie and get glowing! Delicious superfood turmeric golden milk based smoothie with kombucha option for a probiotic boost!


A Whisk and Two Wands, Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie
Turn Up The Turmeric Smoothie and get glowing! Delicious superfood turmeric golden milk based smoothie with kombucha option for a probiotic boost!



Spreading the Meatless Monday love Iโ€™m also linking up withย The Fit Foodie Mamaย and Food Pleasure and Health!